Archive for By Design Campaign

Ford Lets Consumers Design Billboards

Ford Consumer Designed Billboards


If you’ve always wanted to see your artwork on a billboard, Ford may just give you that chance.  Ford just ended their “By Design” campaign that allowed consumers to design digital billboards featuring their vehicles.  The designs were posted on digital billboards in cities across the U.S., including Washington DC, Times Square, Bay Bridge, Miami, Chicago and Los Angeles.  Designs were posted on the digital billboards for 8 seconds, and a photo of the billboard was taken and sent to the designer.  Although the campaign has ended for now, a spokeswoman for Ford says it may come back later this year.  She said the technology is still in place and they would like to delve deeper into the meaning of the campaign and will do so in the first quarter of this year.  Although Atlanta billboards were not on the initial list of cities featuring the digital billboards, hopefully Atlanta billboards will make the cut in the second round of the campaign.