Archive for endangered species

Selfies for a Good Cause


Our society’s obsession with selfies can now be used for a good cause!  National Geographic Society has partnered with media outlets around the country to launch its “Photo Ark” campaign. The launch took place back on May 19, which is Endangered Species Day, in New York’s Times Square.  Photos of several endangered species appeared on bus shelters and billboards around the city. People who took a selfie with them and uploaded it to the website were featured on a digital billboard high above the city.

But if you missed it, don’t worry, you didn’t totally miss out.  The images of the endangered species are still being featured on various forms of out of home venues around the country.  If you find one and take a selfie with it, share it with your network, using the #SaveTogether tag.  Then upload it to the National Geographic website for display there.

The campaign aims to bring awareness to the Photo Ark project and its mission…to save the endangered species around the world.  The campaign features images from Nat Geo photographer Joel Sartoe.  Photos can be found on bus shelters, mall kiosks, in subway stations as well as on traditional billboards.  Some of the featured cities include San Francisco, Austin and Chicago.